Bespoke ICF Coach Training For Your Leaders, Managers & HR
Helping your leaders, managers & HR bring out the best in their staff & teams
2388+ Trained Coaches
Flexible Course Curriculum
15+ Years of Experience
Want your leaders & managers to become better coaches to their staff & teams?
…or perhaps you need to build a team of HR internal coaches to provide in-house coaching for your leaders and managers?
Our bespoke ICF accredited programmes are tailor-made to meet your specific needs and teach concrete coaching skills to help your leaders / managers / coaches bring out the best in their staff and teams.
Need help figuring out what kind of coach training strategy would be best for your organisation?
Speak to one of our experts in a no-obligation Strategy Session and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs and how we can help. Together, we can build a custom-made coach training strategy that’s right for you.
ICF Coaching Skills For Leaders & Managers
We work directly with leaders & managers to build fast-tracked and concrete coaching skills so that they can bring out the best in their staff and teams.
Expert-led ‘Practice-Until-Perfect’ Skills Building Sessions in:
Turning routine development conversations into inspiring and motivational coaching conversations that nurture staff and help them to thrive.
Giving constructive feedback that leads to inspired action
Using coaching to ‘earn’ the right to lead
How to adapt one’s leadership / management style to better relate to certain individuals/groups
Delivering difficult messages / having difficult conversations (practicing common scenarios)
Coaching team members to develop better behaviours or habits in their way of working or communication style (behavioural coaching)
Coaching team members to develop better attitudes where required (perceptual coaching)
Team coaching Skills, Tools & Techniques
Peer coaching Skills & Techniques
Using coaching techniques to problem-solve
Speak to one of our experts to discuss your needs and find out how we can help. Together, we’ll design a coaching skills training package to suit your specific needs.
Our Clients Say It Better Than We Ever Could
Carlina Moreland
Health Promotion Coordinator, United States Air Force
“Furthering the coach training of our internal staff helps to improve key areas of our team. We are always looking to improve our organisational structure, so signing up our staff for executive coach training was a no-brainer. Having coaches with an advanced skill set that are equipped to support leaders in high-pressure situations helps us minimise internal conflict, improving the productivity and camaraderie within our teams.
This is crucial, especially in our industry. We are also looking to develop leadership presence, and our newly qualified internal executive coaches are now able to help people in those positions navigate this often challenging journey”.
Beatriz Avila
People Manager, SWIFT
“I attended a ‘Practice Until Perfect’ training especially for people managers on how to have an inpiring coaching conversation with a staff member to help them solve a problem or reach a particular outcome. The tutor gave us an extremely easy to follow recipe. After the training, I followed the coaching conversation recipe with one of my staff and for the first time I achieved a real coaching conversation. I felt very accomplished to have been able to coach a team member who really needed support, and she gave me feedback at the end of the session that it was really helpful and that I was a great coach!
Thanks so much for providing such clear training, with real concrete impact on the attendees. Looking forward to your other coach trainings for people managers!”
Secure Concrete Coaching Skills Training & Development For Your Leaders, Managers & HR Today
As Easy as 1 - 2 - 3
Schedule Your 30 min Strategy Session
Let us design a bespoke coach training programme to fit your needs
Receive The Training That Your Organisation Needs
Get specialist coach training to help your delegates optimise performance and bring out the best in others
Let The Results Speak For Themselves
Measure performance optimisation trends as your newly trained coaches apply their new skills